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He was previously spared jail for two counts of indecent assault on a woman and indecent exposure in 1981, and walked free from court again, after saying he had suffered abuse himself and was now paying for psychotherapy.Ī hearing at Liverpool Crown Court heard an officer created an account posing as 'Bella', 13, from Exeter, whilst Brown, of Gairloch Close, Warrington, had an account under the username of 'LongHorn95', where he used a photo of himself and claimed to be 55. READ MORE: 'It has changed our family forever': Victims of dangerous paedophile speak out on the devastation he has caused to their livesīut the pervert, who discussed meeting up and taking her for a drive, was actually talking to an undercover police officer. The Liverpool Echo reported that the OAP told the 'girl' he used to work as a joiner in a school, and once had a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old female pupil. A grandad who got 'bored' after retiring escaped jail after he talked about having sex with a '13-year-old girl' whilst his wife was away at work.ĭesmond Brown, 68, started speaking to someone he thought was a schoolgirl on the website Chat Avenue.

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